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11 signs your ex misses you like crazy

You might be wondering if your ex misses you. It's natural to want to know how they are feeling and what they are thinking after a breakup. While it's impossible to know for sure what someone is thinking, there are some obvious signs that can give you an idea of how they are feeling.

Author picture of David Hall
Dating Expert David Hall October 6, 2022 • 6 minutes read
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You might be wondering if your ex misses you. It’s natural to want to know how they are feeling and what they are thinking after a breakup. While it’s impossible to know for sure what someone is thinking, there are some obvious signs that can give you an idea of how they are feeling.

If you’ve recently gone through a break-up, you may be wondering if your ex misses you as much as you miss them. While it’s impossible to know for sure what another person is thinking, there are some obvious signs that can indicate whether or not your ex is still interested in you. For example, if they frequently call or text you, or if they go out of their way to bump into you, it’s likely that they still have strong feelings for you.

1. They contact you often

1. They contact you often

If your ex is constantly contacting you, it’s a pretty obvious sign that they miss you. Whether they are calling, texting, or emailing, if they are reaching out to you on a regular basis, it’s likely because they can’t stand being away from you.

Contacting you means  they are thinking about you and missing your company. If they were completely over you, they wouldn’t bother trying to keep in touch.

2. They talk about you to mutual friends

Another sign that your ex misses you is if they are talking about you to your mutual friends. If they are asking how you are doing or what you have been up to, it’s probably because they are missing you and want to know what’s going on in your life.

If they keep in touch with your mutual friends , it’s likely because they want to stay updated on your life and see if you are dating anyone new.

3. They become jealous when you date someone new

3. They become jealous when you date someone new

If your ex gets jealous when you date someone new, it’s a clear sign that they still have feelings for you. Jealousy is a strong emotion, and it’s not something that someone would feel if they were completely over you.

If your ex is jealous of your new relationship, it’s because they wish they were in a relationship with you instead. They still want to be with you, and seeing you with someone else is painful for them.

4. They stalk your social media accounts

If your ex is stalking your social media accounts, it’s a pretty clear sign that they miss you. They may be looking at your photos or reading your posts to get a glimpse into your life and see what you are up to.

It might seem like a harmless way to stay in touch with someone, but if your ex is doing it excessively, it’s a sign that they miss you and can’t move on from the relationship.

5. They show up places where they know you’ll be

5. They show up places where they know you'll be

If your ex starts showing up at places where they know you’ll be, it’s a sure sign that they miss you. They may be hoping to run into you so they can talk to you or just see you from afar. They could also simply be reminiscing about the memories you’ve made together at those places.

6. They try to make you jealous

Some exes will try to make their former partners jealous. They do this by flaunting their new romances or bragging about their great life without them. While this behavior is immature, it’s often a sign that the person is trying to make their ex miss them.

Sometimes, it’s not just new partners that wexes will flaunt to spark jealousy. It could be doing things that you as a couple planned together but never had the chance to fulfill. Think vacation trips or outdoor activities.

7. They talk about the good times you had together

7. They talk about the good times you had together

When people are feeling nostalgic, they often talk about the good times they had with the person they are missing. If your ex is constantly talking about the happy moments you shared together, it’s a sign that they are longing for those times once again.

They could be trying to get you to reminisce just like them. And hopefully in the process, rekindle some old sparks. Reminiscing the past surely would make anyone miss those good old memories and that’s exactly how your ex could be feeling.

8. They suddenly start caring about their appearance

They could be showing they miss you by looking more attractive to you. If your ex starts dressing up and taking care of their appearance more than usual, it could be a sign that they are trying to look their best in hopes of getting your attention.

It could also be a sign that they’re moving on in a healthy way. However, it becomes about you if they obviously make it a point that you do notice their post-breakup transformation.

9. They make an effort to spend time with you

9. They make an effort to spend time with you

Wanting to spend time with someone can indicate that an ex misses you. If your ex goes out of their way to spend time with you, it’s a pretty clear sign that they miss you. They may invite you to do things together or try to make plans to see you more often.

They may also simply try to find petty reasons to spend time with you. Like you taking walks and “coincidentally” bumping into each other because they’re taking a walk too.

10. They give you compliments

Another sign that your ex misses you is if they start giving you compliments. They may compliment your looks, your intelligence, or your personality. Compliments are often a way of showing someone that you care about them.

11. They say they miss you

11. They say they miss you

Of course, the most obvious sign that your ex misses you is if they come right out and say it! If they tell you directly that they are missing you, there’s no mistaking their feelings on the matter.

So, what do all of these tips say? Well, it seems that most people believe their exes miss them. And if your breakup was relatively recent and you’ve been thinking a lot about your ex, there’s a good chance you might be right about your ex missing you! However, even if your ex doesn’t actually miss you per se, simply believing that they do may help you feel better after a breakup.

In fact, according to one study, the mere act of thinking about an ex can reduce feelings of loneliness and promote positive emotions. If you want to give this strategy a try, start by spending some time thinking about the good times you shared with your ex and how much fun.

The ultimate book list: Surviving and thriving as a single person

Whether you’re single by choice or circumstance, there’s no doubt that being unattached has its set of unique challenges. But being single can also be one of the most empowering experiences in life - if you let it. To help you make the most of your single status, we’ve compiled a list of books every single person should read.

  1. Enjoy Your Solo: How to Be Great at Being Single
  2. Being Single in a Couple's World: How to Be Happily Single While Looking for Love
  3. One Is A Whole Number: Recovering The Joy of Being Single
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Author picture of David Hall
Dating Expert

David Hall

David Hall is a self-taught dating expert who works as a freelance writer to help people improve their love lives. He has always been interested in dating, physical attraction, and …

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