14 signs your husband doesn't love you anymore

Are you worried that your husband may not be in love with you anymore? Even though we can't tell you for sure what's going on in his head, there are some warning signs to look out for that may indicate his feelings have changed.

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Do you feel unloved by your husband? Being in a loveless marriage can be extremely painful. If you’re not sure whether or not your husband is still in love with you, read on for 14 signs to watch out for.

1. He doesn’t seem interested in your day-to-day activities

1. He doesn't seem interested in your day-to-day activities

It’s always a bad sign when your partner starts to lose interest in the things that matter to you. If your husband used to be interested in hearing about your day, but now he doesn’t even want to know what’s going on, it’s a strong indicator that his feelings have changed.

If you’ve been married for a while, it’s normal for the initial excitement to wear off and for your partner to take you for granted a little bit. But if your husband is no longer interested in hearing about your day, it may be a sign that he doesn’t care about you anymore.

2. He’s become more critical and argumentative

If your husband has started to nitpick at everything you do and he’s always looking for ways to start an argument, it’s not a good sign. A major sign that your husband isn’t in love with you anymore is if he’s constantly finding fault with everything you do.

It may be that he’s just going through a difficult period in his life, but it could also be a sign that he wants out of the relationship. If your once-loving husband has turned into a critical and negative person, it’s worth considering whether there’s more to it than just a bad mood.

3. He spends a lot of time away from home

There’s nothing wrong with spending time apart from your partner, but it can be a problem if your husband is always away from home. If he’s working late or going out more often than usual, it may be that he’s trying to avoid being around you.

Of course, there could be perfectly innocent explanations for why he’s spending more time away from home. But if you’re starting to feel like you’re living in separate worlds, it’s worth asking him what’s going on.

4. He’s stopped complimenting you

A more subtle sign that your husband may not be in love with you anymore is if he’s stopped complimenting you. If he used to tell you how beautiful you are, but now he never says anything, it could be a sign that his feelings have changed.

Of course, it’s possible that he’s just not very good at expressing himself. But if he used to compliment you regularly and now he never does, it’s very suspicious.

5. He doesn’t want to spend time with you

5. He doesn't want to spend time with you

One of the clearest signs that your husband isn’t in love with you anymore is if he no longer wants to spend time with you. If he’s always making excuses not to see you or he seems to be avoiding you, it’s a prominent sign that something is wrong.

In order to maintain a happy marriage, it is crucial to spend quality time together. Whether it’s going on date nights or just spending time at home together, if your husband is no longer interested in being around you, it’s a big problem.

6. He doesn’t include you in his plans

Does it seem like your husband is always making plans without you? If he’s going out with his friends or taking trips without you, it’s a sign that he’s not including you in his life. This is just another way of showing that he’s not interested in spending time with you.

Not only is it hurtful to be excluded from your husband’s plans, but it also makes you feel like you’re not a priority in his life. If he’s always making plans without you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t see you as a necessary part of his life.

7. He’s more distant than usual

Do you notice some behavior changes in your husband that make him seem more distant than usual? If he’s become more withdrawn or he’s not interested in physical affection, it may be a sign that his feelings have changed.

It’s possible that he’s just going through a phase, or he could be dealing with some personal issues. But if he seems to be purposely pulling away from you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t want to be close to you anymore.

8. He doesn’t make an effort anymore

8. He doesn't make an effort anymore

One of the most common signs that your husband isn’t in love with you anymore is if he’s stopped making an effort. If he used to dress up for you or put thought into gifts, but now he doesn’t bother, it’s a sign that his feelings have changed.

It’s possible that he just feels comfortable around you and doesn’t feel the need to make an effort anymore. But it could also be a sign that he no longer cares about your relationship.

9. You have a gut feeling that something is wrong

Sometimes, the most reliable sign that something is wrong is your gut feeling. If you have a sneaking suspicion that your husband doesn’t love you anymore, it’s worth considering whether there might be some truth to it.

Even if you can’t put your finger on it, trust your instincts. If you feel like something is wrong, there’s a good chance that something is indeed wrong. To know for sure, it’s important to talk to your husband about your concerns.

10. His tone of voice and body language are uninviting

Pay attention to the way your husband talks to you and the way he uses his body language around you. Does his tone of voice sound uninterested or irritated? Does he avoid eye contact and have closed-off body language?

These are all signs that he’s not as invested in the relationship as he used to be. His tone of voice and body language are giving away his true feelings, even if he’s not saying it outright.

When you bring this up with him, he may deny it. In order to avoid him getting defensive, try to ask him how he’s feeling in a non-accusatory way by using “I” statements. For example, “I feel like you’re not interested in me anymore. Is there something going on that’s making you pull away from me?”

11. He doesn’t communicate with you as he used to

11. He doesn't communicate with you as he used to

If your husband used to be communicative, but now he’s stopped talking to you, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Healthy communication is key in any relationship. The absence of communication can cause a lot of problems, like misunderstandings and resentment.

When there’s a lack of communication, it’s difficult to resolve any issues that come up. If your husband is no longer interested in talking to you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t care about the relationship anymore.

12. He doesn’t want to work on the relationship

If your husband isn’t willing to work on the relationship, it’s a sign that he’s given up. All relationships have their ups and downs. But when couples are willing to work through the tough times, it usually means they’re still in love with each other.

So if you’re unhappy with the state of your relationship and you’ve asked your husband to work on it with you, but he’s unwilling, it’s a sign that he isn’t invested in the relationship anymore. He may not see any point in trying to fix things because he’s already checked out of the marriage.

13. He doesn’t show any affection

A lack of affection is another common sign your spouse may be unhappy in your marriage. Affection is important in any relationship. It makes people feel loved and appreciated.

When there’s a lack of affection, it can make people feel unloved and unimportant. If your husband has stopped being affectionate, it’s a sign that he doesn’t love you the way he used to. You should talk to him about how you’re feeling and see if he’s willing to work on being more affectionate.

14. He isn’t interested in physical intimacy

14. He isn't interested in physical intimacy

A decline in sexual activity is another common sign that something is wrong in a relationship. Sex is an important part of any marriage. It’s a way to physically express love and intimacy.

When there’s a lack of physical intimacy, it can make people feel unloved and undesirable. If your husband has lost interest in having sex with you, it can be a sign that something is wrong. Of course, there are many other reasons why your husband may not want to have sex with you. So it’s best to talk to your husband directly about the issue.

Remember, these are only some signs that your husband may not be in love with you anymore. If you’re concerned about your relationship, the best thing to do is talk to your husband about it. He may be able to reassure you that he still loves you and that there’s nothing wrong.

But if he can’t or won’t reassure you, it’s a sign that there might be some truth to your concerns. In that case, seeking marriage advice for you is important.

Author picture of James Mendoza
Dating Expert

James Mendoza

James Mendoza is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about relationships, marriage, and living happily as a single. After getting through two divorces and being cheated …

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