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19 telltale signs she doesn't want a relationship with you

A woman interested in you won't be showing more than 3 of these signs. Find out which they are!

Author picture of Janet Smith
Dating Expert Janet Smith July 21, 2022 • 9 minutes read
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There are sure signs that a woman gives when she’s not interested in having a relationship with you. If you’re paying attention, you can save yourself some heartache and move on. Here are 19 signs that she’s not interested in you:

1. She doesn’t want to meet your family or friends

1. She doesn't want to meet your family or friends

If she’s avoiding meeting your family and friends, it’s a sign that she’s not interested in taking things further. She may be worried about how they’ll react to her, or she may simply not want to get too close to you.

Either way, it’s not a good sign. Because if you’re really into a person, you want to meet the people that are important to them.

2. She doesn’t introduce you to her friends or family

But also, the other way around is true: If she’s not introducing you to her friends and family, it’s because she doesn’t see you as a serious prospect. She may be keeping you at arm’s length, or she may not think you’re worth introducing to the people who matter most to her.

If she’s not interested in you, why would she want to introduce you to her friends and family?

3. She’s always too busy to see you

If she’s always too busy to see you, it’s probably because she doesn’t want to be around you. If she can’t find the time to see you, she’s not going to make time for a relationship with you.

There may be other reasons why she’s busy, but if this is often happening, she’s probably not that much into you. Because if you’re really interested in someone, you make time for them.

4. She is unreliable

4. She is unreliable

If she’s always canceling on you or doesn’t show up when she says she will, it’s a sign that she’s not interested. A woman who is interested in you will be reliable. She’ll want to see you and spend time with you.

If the woman you’re interested in is unreliable, you’re better off without her. Nobody needs that drama. You’re worth more.

5. She doesn’t flirt with you

If she’s not flirting with you, it’s probably because she doesn’t want to lead you on. If she’s not interested in you, she won’t bother trying to flirt with you. She’ll just be polite and reserved.

If the woman you’re interested in is flirting with you, it’s a good sign. It means she’s at least somewhat interested in you. Flirting is a way of getting someone’s attention and showing that you’re attracted to them.

6. She doesn’t want to get physical

A person attracted to you will almost always want to get intimate with you. She’ll want to kiss you and touch you. If the woman you’re interested in isn’t doing this, it’s a sign that she’s not interested.

There could be other reasons why she doesn’t want to get physical. Maybe she’s just very reserved or has experienced something traumatic in the past. But if this is often happening, it’s not a good sign.

7. The connection is purely physical

7. The connection is purely physical

On the other hand, sometimes it’s just physical attraction and nothing more she feels for you. If she’s always wanting to be physical with you but doesn’t really care about getting to know you on a deeper level, it’s probably because she only wants something physical.

This is not a good thing and typically leads nowhere. If the woman you’re interested in is only interested in being physical with you but doesn’t want a relationship, it’s time to move on.

8. She doesn’t want to talk about the future

If she’s not interested in talking about the future, it’s because she doesn’t want to think about a future with you. A woman who wants to be with you will want to talk about your potential future. She’ll want to know what your plans are, and she’ll want to share her plans with you.

If the woman you’re interested in doesn’t want to talk about the future, it’s a sign that she’s not interested in you. She may not be ready for a relationship, or she may simply not want to be with you. Either way, it’s not good news.

9. She talks about other guys around you

If she’s talking about other guys around you, it’s because she wants you to know that she’s not interested in you. She’s trying to make it clear to you that she’s not interested without saying it out loud. She doesn’t want to hurt you.

It’s possible that she’s just trying to be friendly and doesn’t actually have any interest in those other guys. But if this is often happening, it’s not a good sign. It means that she’s not interested in you and is looking for someone else.

10. She’s too hung up on her ex

10. She's too hung up on her ex

If she’s hung up on her ex, it’s because she’s not over him. A woman who is interested in you will be over her ex. She won’t be talking about him all the time or trying to get him back.

And even if she states that she wants to be with you, if she’s still hung up on her ex, it’s likely not going to work. You deserve someone who is fully committed to you, not someone who is still hung up on someone else.

11. She doesn’t return your calls or texts

If you like someone, you return their calls. A woman who is interested in you will always want to talk to you. She’ll be excited to hear from you and will respond as quickly as possible.

If the woman you’re interested in isn’t returning your calls or texts, it’s a sign that she’s not interested in you. Of course, she may also be just busy. But maybe she just isn’t interested in talking to you.

12. She keeps changing the subject when you bring up the idea of a relationship

If she’s changing the subject, it’s because she doesn’t want to talk about it. A woman who is interested in you will want to discuss your relationship. She’ll want to know what your plans are and where things are going.

But if the woman you’re interested in keeps changing the subject, it means she doesn’t want to talk about a relationship with you. She may not be ready for one, or she may not even want to be with you.

13. She doesn’t start up a conversation with you

13. She doesn't start up a conversation with you

If she’s not initiating conversations with you, it’s because she’s not interested in you. A woman who is interested in you will want to talk to you. She’ll start up conversations and will be excited to hear from you.

But if the woman you’re interested in doesn’t initiate conversations with you, it means she’s not interested in you.

14. She’s all about what you do for her

A woman who is interested in you will be interested in you as a person, not in what you do for her. She’ll want to know your interests and what makes you unique.

Don’t let yourself be exploited. If the woman you’re interested in is all about what you can do for her, she’s not worth your time. Move on and find someone who is interested in you for you.

15. She makes it clear that she is interested in others

This is a no-brainer, but a lot of people still don’t get it. A woman who is interested in you will not be interested in other guys. She’ll make it clear that she only has eyes for you.

But if the woman you’re interested in is always talking about how she’s interested in other guys, it’s a sign that she’s not interested in you.

16. She doesn’t get jealous over you

16. She doesn't get jealous over you

If she’s not getting jealous over you, it means she’s not interested in you. A woman who is interested in you will get jealous when she sees you with other women. She’ll want to be the only one for you.

But if the woman you’re interested in doesn’t get jealous over you, it means she’s either very confident or just not interested in you.

17. She says she wishes she could find someone like you

This one hurts. A woman who is interested in you will not say this. Because it clearly means that she’s not interested in you, even though there is no one who’s more like you than you.

18. She gives you mixed signals

A woman who is interested in you will make it clear. She won’t give you mixed signals. If she’s into you, she’ll let you know. But if the woman you’re interested in is giving you mixed signals, it means she’s not sure about what she wants. And that’s not good for either of you.

19. She says she doesn’t want a relationship right now

19. She says she doesn't want a relationship right now

If she’s telling you this, it means she’s not interested in you. A woman who is interested in you will want a relationship with you. She’ll be excited about the prospect of being together.

But if the woman you’re interested in tells you she doesn’t want a relationship right now, it means she’s not into you. This is most likely just an excuse, so you don’t feel bad.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s time to move on. A woman who is interested in you will make it clear. She won’t give you mixed signals or say she doesn’t want a relationship right now.

If the woman you’re interested in is not showing interest back, it’s time to find someone who wants to be with you. You deserve better.

Dating and relationship books for men: The ultimate guide

If you’re looking for some guidance when it comes to dating and relationships as a man, you’re in luck. This list features a variety of books that offer advice and insights on everything from how to approach women and start conversations, to what to do on dates, to how to develop a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

  1. For Married Men Only: Three Principles for Loving Your Wife
  2. The Single Dad's Survival Guide: How to Succeed as a One-Man Parenting Team
  3. From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal & Dating Success
  4. Dating for Men: A Guide for Attracting Women: Practical Advice from a Female Dating Coach
  5. Becoming Mr. Right: A Young Man's Guide to God-Honoring Relationships
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Author picture of Janet Smith
Dating Expert

Janet Smith

Janet Smith is a freelance writer who writes about psychology, relationships, and dating. She has always been interested in understanding the human brain and how it affects our …

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