On this page
- What is meant by unspoken attraction?
- What is meant by mutual attraction?
- How do you know if an attraction is mutual?
- 1. You make an effort to be around each other
- 2. You (subconsciously) mirror each other’s body language
- 3. You make eye contact – and hold it
- 4. You find excuses to touch each other
- 5. You laugh at each other’s jokes (even if they’re not funny)
- 6. You’re constantly smiling at each other
- 7. You’re teasing each other
- 8. You want to impress each other
- 9. You’re always trying to make each other laugh
- 10. You’re comfortable in silence with each other
- 11. You care about what the other person thinks
- 12. You can’t stop talking to each other
- 13. You tell each other secrets
- 14. You make sure you look good when you might meet each other
- 15. You flirt with each other
- 16. You’re interested in their body
It’s often hard to describe why we feel attracted to someone. Sometimes, it’s because of the way they look or the way they act. But sometimes, it’s because of things that are harder to put into words – like how they make us feel.
In this article, we’ll try to make just that: put these signs of unspoken mutual attraction into words. So next time you wonder if someone’s attracted to you, you’ll know what to look for.
But before we’re diving into the signs, let’s quickly clear some things up:
What is meant by unspoken attraction?
Unspoken attraction means that we feel attracted to someone without telling that person that we do. This doesn’t mean, though, that the other person isn’t attracted to you as well – you just don’t know it (yet).
What is meant by mutual attraction?
Mutual attraction means that both people are attracted to each other. It’s usually pretty obvious when two people are attracted to each other – they’ll often flirt or make advances toward each other.
But sometimes, the attraction is more subtle. And that’s what we’re going to be talking about in this article: the signs of unspoken mutual attraction.
How do you know if an attraction is mutual?
There are several ways of finding out if an attraction is mutual. The easiest way of finding out, of course, is by simply telling each other. But that doesn’t happen too often, does it?
That’s why you have to pay attention to certain clues. People with a lot of experience in the dating world will usually be able to see these signs right away. But if you’re not used to it, don’t worry – we’ll help you out.
If you’re wondering whether there might be a mutual attraction between you and someone else, here are some signs to look out for:
1. You make an effort to be around each other

One tell-tale signs that someone is attracted to you is if they go out of their way to be around you. This could mean anything from always being in the same place as you without actually needing to or when they try talking to you every day.
People who are attracted to you will likely want to find any excuse to be around you. So if you notice that someone is always popping up in your life, it’s definitely worth considering that there might be an attraction there.
But it still could be just a coincidence, right? Well, continue reading. If several of these signs start to add up, the chances are high that there is indeed mutual attraction between you and the other person.
2. You (subconsciously) mirror each other’s body language
Have you ever noticed that when you’re talking to someone, they start to mirror your body language? For example, if you cross your arms, they might do so too; if you touch your face, they might start touching theirs as well.
When we’re attracted to someone, we often start mirroring their body language. So if you notice that someone is copying the way you’re standing or sitting, it could be a sign that they’re attracted to you.
3. You make eye contact – and hold it
Eye contact is one of the most important things when it comes to human interaction. It’s how we connect with each other and build trust. So it’s no surprise that it also plays a role in attraction.
If someone is attracted to you, they’ll likely make more eye contact than usual. And not just any kind of eye contact – they’ll hold your gaze for longer than a few seconds without looking away awkwardly.
This is a pretty clear sign that they’re attracted to you. Sparks fly, and you two begin to smile? Well, that’s an even bigger sign.
But some people, especially shy ones or introverts, might not be too good at making eye contact and do the polar opposite. If you need help dating an introvert, this advice will be golden!
4. You find excuses to touch each other

When we like someone, we often find an excuse to touch them. It could be anything from a light touch on the arm to playing with their hair.
If someone is attracted to you, they’ll likely find any excuse to touch you. So if you notice that someone is always touching you, it’s definitely worth considering that there might be an attraction there. Especially when it’s seemingly casual like they remove a hair from your shoulder or “accidentally” brush your hand.
5. You laugh at each other’s jokes (even if they’re not funny)
We all know that feeling when someone we like says something, and we just laugh, even if it’s not funny. It’s like our brain just automatically switches to “amusement mode” whenever they’re around.
If you find yourself laughing at someone’s jokes even when they’re not funny, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them. But of course, it could also just mean that they’re a good comedian.
6. You’re constantly smiling at each other
Did you ever notice that your mood suddenly improves when you see someone you’re attracted to? All of a sudden, you feel happier and more positive.
If you find yourself constantly smiling at someone, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them. And if they do the same thing, well – that’s at least a sign they like you a lot.
7. You’re teasing each other

Teasing is often a sign of attraction. When we like someone, we might start poking fun at them or playfully making fun of them. It’s our way of showing that we’re interested in them.
But of course, it can also just be friendly banter. So if you’re not sure whether someone is attracted to you or not, pay attention to the way they’re teasing you. If it’s good-natured and lighthearted, it’s probably harmless. But if it starts to feel mean or spiteful, they might not be worth your time.
8. You want to impress each other
Have you ever noticed that you start to dress nicer or act differently when you’re around someone you’re attracted to? That’s because we want to impress them and show them our best side.
If you find yourself wanting to impress someone, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them. So if they start doing the same thing, it’s definitely worth considering that there might be an attraction there.
9. You’re always trying to make each other laugh
Laughter is one of the most important things in a relationship – but it can also be a sign of attraction. When we like someone, we often go out of our way to make them laugh. It’s our way of trying to connect with them and make them like us.
If you find yourself constantly trying to make someone laugh, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them. But of course, it could also just mean that you’re a funny person.
10. You’re comfortable in silence with each other

When we’re around someone we’re attracted to, we often feel the need to fill the silence with small talk. But sometimes, the best way to show that you’re comfortable with someone is by just being silent together.
If you find yourself comfortable in silence with someone, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them. And if they also seem comfortable in silence with you, it’s definitely worth considering that there might be an attraction there.
11. You care about what the other person thinks
Has this ever happened to you? You don’t care much about what other people think of you – only until you meet someone you’re attracted to. Suddenly, their opinion starts to matter a lot.
So, if you feel like the opinion of this special someone is the only opinion that counts, you’re probably attracted to them.
12. You can’t stop talking to each other
When we’re attracted to someone, we often find ourselves talking to them all the time. We want to know everything about them, and we can’t get enough of hearing their voice.
That way, we often memorize minor details about them that almost nobody knows. This is a sign of a very deep connection.
If the opposite is true and the other person rather avoids talking to you, they might not be interested. Find out more:
13. You tell each other secrets

With trust comes attraction. When we trust someone, we often find ourselves telling them secrets that we wouldn’t tell anyone else. This is because we feel safe with them and know they won’t judge us.
Telling someone a secret is a sign of a deep connection, a sign of trust, and often a sign of attraction. Secrets can make us very vulnerable, and opening up and showing someone our weak spots is something very special.
14. You make sure you look good when you might meet each other
When you notice that someone looks extraordinarily good around you, they might feel attracted to you. It’s human nature to want to look our best when we’re around someone we’re attracted to. We want them to see us at our best, and we want to impress them.
So, if you find yourself making an extra effort to look good when you think you might see this special someone, it might be a sign that you’re attracted to them.
15. You flirt with each other
This is obvious, isn’t it? Well, not quite. Some people just flirt for fun, and some people misinterpret being nice with flirting. So it’s wise to look closely for other signs as well before you assume that someone is flirting with you.
But if you’re pretty sure that someone is flirting with you, and you’re also flirting back, then it’s definitely a sign that there might be an attraction there.
Is she flirting with you but still sending you mixed signals? Well, maybe she’s playing hard to get!
16. You’re interested in their body

Last but not least: if you noticed them staring at your body a lot, there’s probably attraction there. And if you did the same thing, it’s an unspoken mutual attraction. But even if you didn’t look at their body, it’s still a sign that they’re attracted to you.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should start staring at people’s bodies all the time. But if you notice someone doing it to you, it might be a sign that they find you attractive.
That’s it! I hope you found this article enjoyable and finally know if your attraction is mutual.
Good luck!
And if you need further advice, check out our other articles!
How to flirt: The ultimate booklist for men and women
Flirting is an essential part of any relationship. It's the way to test the waters, to see if there's potential for something more. If you're looking for some guidance on how to flirt like a pro, look no further than this list of books. From books that teach you the basics of body language to books that delve into the psychology of flirting, these are the best resources out there.
- Flirting: How to Flirt for Women Wanting to Date a High-Value Man, Including Seductive Body Language Techniques and a Guide to Get Your Ex Back
- How to Flirt with a Guy: A Girl's Guide to Being Flirtatious and Getting the Guy You Want
- Flirt Fearlessly: The A to Z Guide to Getting Your Flirt On
- Dating Sucks, but You Don't: The Modern Guy's Guide to Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, and Finding the Perfect Partner