Lots of girls agonize over this question: should I call him? And it’s a great question because there are plenty of reasons why you should or shouldn’t call him. Continue reading to find out if you should call him!
Reasons why you should call him
There are plenty of great reasons why you should call him right now. Continue reading to find out what these reasons are!
1. You had a great time

If you had a great time with a guy, the best way to show him is to call him. It lets him know that you had a good time, and it gives you an opportunity to talk to him again. Plus, it’s always nice to hear a girl’s voice!
If you had a great time on your date and you’re feeling excited about getting to know him better, then go ahead and call him! You don’t want to let the opportunity to talk to him again slip away.
2. You want to see him again
If you want to see him again, the best way to let him know is to call him. It shows that you’re interested in seeing him again, and it allows you to make a plan.
Plus, it’s a great way to start a conversation! If you had a great time on your date and you’re interested in seeing him again, then go ahead and call him! You don’t want to wait too long and lose your chance.
3. You’re not sure if he’s interested
If you’re not sure if he’s interested, the best way to find out is to call him. It’ll give you a chance to talk to him, and you’ll be able to see how he reacts. If he’s interested, he’ll probably be happy to hear from you!
If you’re not sure if the guy you’re interested in is interested in you, then calling him is a great way to find out. You’ll be able to chat with him and see how he reacts. Just tell him that he should be honest with you.
And maybe he’s an introvert that is hard to read? Then calling may be a great idea to find out more! Need some tips on dating an introvert?
4. You need closure

If you feel like he wasn’t interested in you or if the date didn’t go well, then you might want to call him for closure. It can be tough to move on if you don’t know why things didn’t work out, so a phone call is a great way to get some answers.
Just make sure that you’re prepared for the possibility that he might not want to talk to you. If you’re not sure whether or not you should call him, then it might be better to wait a little bit longer.
5. You don’t want to play games
Why should you wait three days just to make him more interested in you? If you want him to know that you’re interested, just call him! You don’t have to play games or wait for the perfect time.
This is just something immature people do. If you’re interested in someone, just call them! You don’t want to wait too long and lose your chance.
6. He already texted you
This is a no-brainer. If he texted you, it means that he’s interested in talking to you, so why not call him? He’ll be happy to hear from you, and you’ll get to talk to him.
Just make sure that you don’t bombard him with calls. You want to let him text you first! If he texted you, then it’s probably safe to call him.
7. He seemed genuinely interested

If the guy seemed genuinely interested in you, then it’s probably a good idea to call him. He probably doesn’t want to wait too long to hear from you!
If the guy seemed really interested in you and he didn’t seem like he was just playing games, then go ahead and call him. He’ll appreciate it!
8. You want to set up a date
If you want to set up a date, why not call him? Let him know that you’d like to see him again.
But most of the time, it’s better to text when setting up a date. That way, he has enough time to look into his calendar to see when he’s free.
Reasons why you shouldn’t call him
After all these great reasons why you should call him, you probably already grabbed your phone. But hold it! There are some reasons why you shouldn’t call him after your date.
1. You already called him

If you already called or texted him today, definitely don’t call! It’ll just seem like you’re needy and desperate. He’ll think you’ve got nothing else to do.
Have some self-respect!
“But what about texting?” you ask. Well, find out if you should text him first or not!
2. You don’t have anything interesting to say
If you don’t have anything interesting to talk about and just want to hear his voice, it’s probably better not to call him. He’ll just think that you’re boring or that you’re clingy.
If you really want to call him without a proper reason, try to come up with something interesting to talk about. That way you won’t seem like a boring person!
3. He’s busy
If you know he’s busy, it’s probably not a good idea to call him. It’ll just be a waste of his time, and he won’t appreciate it. It will annoy him probably.
If you really want to talk to him, try texting him instead. That way he can write you back as soon as he’s got time for you.
4. You don’t want to seem too interested

Love needs some strategy. Even though we mentioned you shouldn’t play games with him, you also shouldn’t seem too interested. If you call him too soon, it might make him think that you’re desperate.
If you don’t want to seem too interested in the guy you’re dating, then it’s best to wait a little bit before you call him.
Some people nowadays also prefer some peace and quiet, especially introverts. So if you suspect he may belong to that type, don’t call him too soon and give him some time.
5. You’re not interested
If you’re not interested in seeing him again, just don’t call him. It’s as simple as that. You don’t want to lead him on, and you don’t want to waste his time.
If you’re not interested in the guy, then just don’t call him. It’s simple, and it’ll save both of you a lot of time and hassle. Plus, you won’t have to worry about him calling you!
But if he seems to be into you a lot, you should probably tell him that you’re not interested. It’ll save him the heartache.
6. It’s too soon
If your date just ended, it’s probably too soon to call him. You should give yourself some time to recover and reflect on the date. You don’t want to seem too desperate or needy.
Wait until the next day or just text him that you enjoyed the evening together. If you’re not sure whether or not it’s too soon to call him, then it’s probably best to wait a little bit longer. Don’t blindside him!
7. You suspect him of playing games

If you think he’s playing games with you, don’t call him. Two can play that game. A guy like that is not worth your time, and it’ll just lead to heartache for both of you.
There’s no point in trying to fix something that’s not going to work. You don’t need someone that immature by your side.
8. You’re drunk
If you’re drunk or your judgment is emotionally clouded, please don’t call him. You don’t want to make any rash decisions that you’ll later regret.
It’s best to just wait until the next day when you’re sober and can think more clearly. Then you can decide whether or not it’s a good idea to call him.
How to win at early stages dating: The ultimate list of books
If you're looking for books about the early stages of dating, you've come to the right place. We've put together a list of some of our favorite books about dating, all of which are perfect for early stages in a relationship.
- Dating Sucks, but You Don't: The Modern Guy's Guide to Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, and Finding the Perfect Partner
- Seven Secrets of Modern Dating: The He Said, She Said Guide for Getting from Single to Spouse
- First Date Mastery: The Complete First Date Psychology Guide For Men
- Just Send the Text: An Expert's Guide to Letting Go of the Stress and Anxiety of Modern Dating