On this page
- 1. Don’t rush things
- 2. Don’t act as if you’re perfect
- 3. Be kind and understanding
- 4. Be flirty and fun
- 5. Do something nice for them
- 6. Use social media to your advantage
- 7. Be mysterious
- 8. Be confident
- 9. Be positive
- 10. Dress to impress
- 11. Wear colors your crush often wears
- 12. Use mirroring techniques
- 13. Be interesting
- 14. Find things you have in common
- 15. Playfully tease your crush
- 16. Spend lots of time with them
- 17. Touch them
- 18. Laugh at their jokes
- 19. Smile at them
- 20. Ask them to do you a small favor
So, you fell for this wonderful person. They’re cute, funny, and as soon as they start to smile at you, your stomach does a somersault. You’ve probably daydreamed about what it would be like to have them as your partner, and now you’re ready to take the next step.
But, how do you make someone fall in love with you? This article will show you how!
1. Don’t rush things

Take your time. It’s important to let the attraction grow gradually. If you rush things, it may cause your crush to back away.
Also, it’s pretty common that love that sparked too fast burns out just as quickly. So, take things slow and let the relationship develop naturally.
But before anything can blossom between the two of you, you should know how to talk to your crush!
2. Don’t act as if you’re perfect
Share your flaws and imperfections. Because no human is perfect, don’t act as if you were. Just be yourself and let your crush know about your faults and weaknesses.
This will make you more relatable and likable. They’ll see that you’re just a regular person, like them, and this will attract them even more.
3. Be kind and understanding
Be supportive and helpful. When your crush is going through tough times, be there for them. Offer words of encouragement and be understanding. They’ll see that you’re someone they can count on, and this will make them want to be around you more.
Also, try to encourage them to do things they enjoy. This will make them happy, and when someone is happy around you, it’s hard not to feel attracted to you.
4. Be flirty and fun

Flirting is a very important aspect of attraction. It’s the way to show your crush that you’re interested in them! So, be playful and fun when you’re around them.
Make sure not to take things too seriously, and always make them laugh. A sense of humor is very attractive! A great way to make someone fall in love with you is by making them laugh.
5. Do something nice for them
Do something special for your crush. If you want them to fall in love with you, then do something nice for them! Cook their favorite meal, buy them a small gift, or even just do something that will make them happy.
The key is to make them feel special and appreciated. When someone feels loved and appreciated, it’s hard not to fall in love with them.
6. Use social media to your advantage
Use social media to your advantage. Social media is a great way to stay connected with your crush. Try to find out what their interests are and follow them on Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platforms they use.
Post interesting and fun stuff about yourself that will make them want to know more about you. But, be careful not to seem too needy or desperate. So, interact with your crush just as if they’re just someone you’re interacting with online.
This will make you more visible to them, and it’ll show that you’re interested in them. It may even help you start a conversation with them!
7. Be mysterious

Everybody wants to solve mysteries. Don’t reveal everything about yourself right away. Leave some things for your crush to figure out on their own. This will make them more curious and intrigued by you.
To be mysterious, you don’t have to be a complete stranger. Just hold back some information and make sure not to give away all your secrets. Don’t write back immediately and be vague about some things that might spark their interest.
8. Be confident
Confidence is key in life. When you’re around your crush, act like you’re the most confident person in the world. This will show them that you believe in yourself and that you’re not afraid of them.
It’ll also make you more attractive to them. Insecure people that don’t believe in themselves are not very attractive.
So, what to do if you’re not confident? Just fake it until you make it. Believe me, faking confidence boosts your real confidence!
9. Be positive
Stay positive and upbeat. No one wants to be around someone who’s always negative and down. So, stay positive and happy no matter what life throws your way.
This will make you more attractive to your crush, and it’ll show them that you’re a great person to be around. Additionally, a positive mindset will get you through tough times with more ease and is very helpful in life in general.
10. Dress to impress

That grey ten-year-old hoodie with holes in it you’re still wearing probably belongs in the trash. Okay, maybe not the trash, but you get what I’m saying. Dress to impress your crush!
Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and beautiful. You don’t need to go out and buy the most expensive clothes, but just put some effort into your appearance.
When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you are attractive. So, dress to impress and feel confident in what you’re wearing.
11. Wear colors your crush often wears
Wearing colors that your crush likes will subconsciously make them attracted to you. So, if they wear a lot of blue, Wear blue! If they wear a lot of green, wear green! It’s as simple as that.
Not only will you be wearing colors they like, but you’ll also be subconsciously sending them the message that you like them too.
Humans tend to associate certain colors with certain emotions. So, wearing colors that your crush likes will make them feel good, and they’ll subconsciously associate those positive feelings with you.
12. Use mirroring techniques
Mirroring techniques are a great way to make your crush fall in love with you. Mirroring is when you copy the actions of the person you like. It’s a subconscious way of getting them to like you back.
When you mirror someone, you’re subconsciously telling them that you like them and that you want to be closer to them. It’s a way of getting them to feel connected to you.
So, next time you’re around your crush, try mirroring their actions. If they cross their arms, cross your arms. If they lean in, lean in. If they smile, smile. Basically, just copy whatever they do! But don’t overdo it and make it too obvious!
13. Be interesting

This may sound like common sense, but be interesting. Be someone your crush would want to talk to. Talk about things they’re interested in and have a conversation with them. Don’t just sit there and stare at them; that’s creepy!
Talk about your hobbies and ambitions and listen to what your crush has to say. Ask them questions and be genuinely interested in their life. Interesting people are usually interested in others as well.
This will make them attracted to you, and they’ll want to spend more time with you.
14. Find things you have in common
Commonalities are attractive. Finding them will help you to connect with them on a deeper level. When you have things in common, it’s easier to form a bond and connect with someone.
It also makes you more attractive to them. People are drawn to those they can relate to. So, find out what you have in common with your crush and talk about those things.
15. Playfully tease your crush
Teasing is a great way to show your crush that you’re interested in them. Teasing is a way of flirting, and it’s a great way to get their attention.
When you tease someone, you’re showing them that you’re playful and fun. You’re also showing them that you have a personality and that you’re not just a boring person.
Teasing is a great way to get your crush’s attention, and it’ll make them want to get to know you better. But don’t overdo it and especially don’t be mean!
16. Spend lots of time with them

The more time you spend with your crush, the more they’ll fall in love with you. Spending time with someone is a way of getting to know them better. It’s also a way of forming a bond.
When you spend time with someone, you’re showing them that you want to be around them. You’re also telling them that you like them and that you want to get to know them better.
So, next time you see your crush, spend some time with them! Talk to them, laugh with them, and just enjoy their company. The more time you spend with them, the more they’ll fall in love with you.
17. Touch them
Touching someone is like magic. It’s a way of getting close to them, and it’s a way of showing them that you like them.
When you touch someone, you’re telling them that you want to be closer to them. You’re also telling them that you’re attracted to them. Touching someone is a very intimate gesture, and it’ll make your crush feel special.
But don’t put your hands on places they don’t belong! Be respectful and touch your crush in a way that makes them feel comfortable.
18. Laugh at their jokes
Laughing at someone’s jokes is a great way to show them that you like them. Laughter is a sign of attraction, and it’s a way of getting someone to like you back.
When you laugh at someone’s jokes, you’re telling them that you think they’re funny. You’re also showing them that you’re interested in them. Laughter is a very positive sign, and it’ll make your crush like you back.
19. Smile at them

Smiling at someone is the simplest way to show them that you like them. Smiling is a way of showing someone that you’re happy to see them. It’s also a way of showing them that you’re attracted to them.
When you smile at someone, you’re telling them that you’re happy to see them. You’re also telling them that you like them and that you want to get to know them better.
20. Ask them to do you a small favor
Asking someone to do you a small favor is a great way to show them that you like them. When you ask someone to do you a small favor, you’re telling them that you trust them. You’re also telling them that you want to be around them.
When you ask someone to do you a small favor, you’re also asking them to spend time with you. And, most importantly, you’re showing them that you like them.
Making your crush fall in love with you isn’t too difficult. All you have to do is show them that you like them and that you want to get to know them better.
Be yourself, spend time with them, and touch them in a way that makes them feel comfortable. Laugh at their jokes, smile at them, and just enjoy their company. And, most importantly, don’t forget to touch their heart by doing something nice for them!
The truth about dating: Books you need to read
If you’re looking for advice on how to have more success when it comes to dating, then you’ll want to check out these reads. Each can teach you something different about the process, from being more confident in yourself to reading other people’s signals correctly. So whether you’re just starting or have been dating for a while and could use help, check out these titles.
- Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Seriously, This Is Online Dating?: How to Love Yourself Harder and Date Smarter
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
- Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot