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Are you left heartbroken? Sadly, we all have been there. If you’re heartbroken and want to make your ex miss you, there are a few things you can do.
In this article, we’ll go through many great tips on how to make him miss you. You don’t have to follow each and every tip, but if you really want him to miss you, you’re going to want to implement as many as possible into your life.
1. Be independent

Independence is probably the hottest trait a woman could have. If you’re not needy and you don’t rely on him for everything, he’s going to view you in a more positive light. Being not independent is also often one of many reasons why a guy doesn’t love you. Find out more reasons!
He’ll start to see you as this strong, independent woman who doesn’t need anyone to take care of her - and that’s a very attractive quality. This means you don’t need him to make you feel complete or happy.
You need to be able to do things on your own and feel good about yourself without him. This will make him see that you’re not just some girl who is completely dependent on him.
2. Don’t always be available
Being available is an unattractive trait. Just think about it: you’re in a shop, and there are two things you both want. But one is much cheaper than the other, while the expensive one is the last in stock. The more expensive item is going to be much more appealing because it’s not easily available - it’s rare. The same goes for people.
If you’re always available for him, he’s going to take you for granted. You need to have your own life outside of him and make sure that you’re not just sitting around waiting for him to call or text you.
Do your own thing and have a life outside of him. This will make you more attractive to him because you’re not just waiting around for him.
3. Be mysterious
There’s a reason why we hate spoilers. We love suspense, and we love not knowing what’s going to happen next. And the same goes for people.
Being mysterious is an attractive quality because it makes people want to know more about you. If you’re always an open book and he knows everything about you, it’s going to get boring for him pretty quickly. But if you’re a little bit more mysterious and he doesn’t know everything about you, it’s going to pique his interest and make him want to know more.
So don’t be afraid to be a little bit mysterious. It’s a great way to keep his attention.
4. Be confident

Confidence is definitely an attractive quality. If you’re not confident, it’s going to show, and it’s not going to be attractive to him. But if you’re confident, it’s a major turn-on!
Confidence is all about believing in yourself and not caring what other people think. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and knowing that you’re worth his time and attention. If you are confident, it’s going to be a lot easier to make him miss you because he’s going to find you very attractive.
But, of course, you probably don’t feel very confident right now. So, in order to appear more confident, don’t show anyone that you want him back. Pretend like you don’t care and that you’re perfectly happy without him. This will make you appear more confident, and it will make him want you even more.
5. Be fun
No one wants to be around someone who’s boring and sad all the time. If you’re fun, he’s going to want to be around you. He’s going to have a great time when he’s with you, and he’s going to miss you when you’re not around.
But how do you show him that you’re fun and having a blast, even after your break-up? Don’t sit at home moping about your break-up. Go out with your friends, try new things and just enjoy yourself.
If you’re having a great time, he’ll probably notice somehow. And if you want to, you can even use social media to show him and the world that you’re having a great time without him. But don’t rub it in his face, of course. Just let him see that you’re doing just fine without him and that you’re not sitting at home pining for him.
6. Don’t contact him
If you want him to miss you, you need to give him the space to do that. And that means not contacting him.
This is probably the most difficult thing to do after a break-up, but it’s also the most important. If you keep texting him and calling him, he’s not going to have any space to miss you. He’s not going to have any time to think about you, and he’s not going to have any reason to contact you.
So, if you want him to miss you, give him some space and don’t contact him. It might be hard in the beginning, but it’s important.
7. Be busy

The more you’re busy, the less time you’ll have to think about your ex, and the easier it will be to make him miss you. If you’re always available and you have a lot of free time, it’s going to be hard to make him miss you – and most notably, it’s going to be much tougher for you. You’ll have a lot more time to think about him, and you might even start to stalk him online, which is definitely not going to help your cause.
But if you’re busy, you won’t have any time to think about him or what he’s doing. You’ll be too focused on your own life and your own happiness. And that’s going to make it a lot easier to make him miss you.
8. Be positive
No one wants to be around someone who’s negative all the time. If you’re always complaining and moaning, he’s not going to want to be around you, and he’s definitely not going to miss you when you’re gone.
But if you’re positive, he’s going to want to be around you more. He’s going to find you more attractive, and he’s going to enjoy your company.
So, how do you show him that you’re positive? It’s actually not that hard. Just don’t complain all the time and try to find the positive in every situation. Even if something bad happens, try to find the silver lining. This will make you more attractive, and it will make him want to be around you more.
9. Don’t throw a tantrum
If you want him to miss you, you need to show him that you’re not a drama queen. And that means not throwing a tantrum every time something doesn’t go your way.
We all have our moments, and sometimes it’s perfectly normal to get angry or upset. But if you’re constantly yelling and screaming, he’s going to get tired of it quickly. In the worst case, he’ll think you’re crazy. Either way, he’s not going to want to be around you all the time.
So, try to keep your cool, and don’t throw a tantrum every time something doesn’t go your way. This will show him that you’re more mature, and it will make him want to be around you more.
10. Be the one who ends the conversations

If the two of you have been texting or talking on the phone, make sure that you’re the one who ends the conversations. This will show him that you have a life and that you’re not just sitting around waiting for him to contact you.
It might be hard in the beginning, but it’s important. If you keep texting him and calling him, he’s not going to have any space to miss you. He’s not going to have any time to think about you, and he’s not going to have any reason to contact you.
So, if you want him to miss you, give him some space and don’t contact him. It might be hard in the beginning, but it’s important.
11. Do not return his calls and texts immediately
If he calls you or texts you, do not return his calls or texts immediately. This will only make you seem desperate, and it’s not going to make him miss you.
It’s important to give him some space and to let him contact you when he wants to. If you’re always available, he’s not going to have any reason to miss you. He’s not going to have any time to think about you, and he’s not going to have any reason to contact you.
So, if you want him to miss you, give him some space and don’t contact him. It might be hard in the beginning, but it’s important.
12. Give him a compliment

One of the best ways to make someone miss you is to give them a compliment. And this is especially true for men. Men love compliments just as much as women do, but they often don’t get them as often.
So, if you want him to miss you, give him a compliment. Tell him how much you appreciate him or how much you like spending time with him. This will make him feel good about himself, and it will make him want to be around you more.
But don’t overdo it. A compliment is best served when it’s genuine and when it’s not given all the time. Otherwise, he might think you’re just trying to manipulate him.
These tips will help you make your ex miss you. Just remember to be positive, don’t throw a tantrum, and give him some space. If you do all of these things, he’s sure to miss you.
If you want your ex back and aren’t sure if he still has feelings for you, this article will help you immensely: Find out if he still has strong feelings for you or not!
The best breakup books that will help you heal
It’s hard to move on after a breakup. The pain, anger, and confusion can be all-consuming. If you’re struggling to recover from a breakup, here’s a list of titles that might help. From self-help books to novels, you’re sure to find something on this list that can help you get through this tough time.
- Getting Past Your Breakup: How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You
- How to get over anyone in few days: Breakups will never hurt like before
- Don't Text Your Ex Happy Birthday: And Other Advice on Love, Sex, and Dating
- Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse
- After the Breakup: A Self-Love Journal: Prompts and Practices to Help You Get Over Your Ex