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If you’ve been ghosted by a guy, it can be a really tough pill to swallow. You might feel like you did something wrong or that you weren’t good enough for him. But the truth is, ghosting is never an acceptable way to end a relationship – no matter what the reason.
So, if you’re wondering how to make a guy regret ghosting you, here are a few ideas.
1. Don’t respond to his texts or calls, and don’t reach out

If a guy ghosts you, the best thing you can do is ignore him. Don’t answer his texts or calls, and don’t reach out to him either. Act as if you couldn’t care less about him.
This will show him that you’re not the type of girl who is going to be waiting around for him. You have better things to do with your time than to sit around and wonder why he disappeared on you.
But of course, this only works if he isn’t actively ghosting you anymore and is reaching out again or if he’s just occasionally ghosting you and only contacts you when he’s bored or lonely. If he’s still actively ghosting you, then see point 2.
2. Move on, and don’t retaliate
The best way to make a guy regret ghosting you is to simply move on with your life. Don’t be immature and lash out at him. He isn’t worth it.
Lashing out at him is the exact opposite of making him regret his decision of ghosting you. If you do anything like that, he’ll be happy he got rid of you, so never give him the satisfaction.
Instead, focus on yourself, and your own happiness. Move on with your life. Show him that you don’t need him and that you’re perfectly capable of being happy without him. Do things that make you feel good, and surround yourself with people who love and support you. This will be the best way to make him regret ghosting you.
If he sees that you’re doing just fine without him, he’s going to regret his decision to ghost you. He’ll realize that he gave up something good and that he made a mistake.
3. Be happy and confident

Another way to make a guy regret ghosting you is to be happy and confident without him. Show him that you don’t need him in your life to be happy.
Be confident in yourself and your own worth. Love yourself first and foremost, and don’t let anyone – including him – make you feel otherwise.
If you can be happy without him, he’s going to regret letting you go. He’ll see what he’s missing out on, and he’ll wish he had a chance to be with you again.
4. Find someone better
If you want to get over him, find a new guy. Go out and have some fun! Meet some new people and date around.
Getting over somebody is a lot easier when you have somebody else to focus on. And if the guy who ghosted you sees that you’re moving on and happy without him, it’s going to sting. He’ll realize that he made a mistake in letting you go and that he could have had something really great.
But don’t hurt the new guy’s feelings! Don’t just “use” him to make your ex regret ghosting you. That’s not fair to him. Only date someone new if you’re genuinely interested in him and want things to work out with him.
5. Do something fun and exciting

Do something that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time or opportunity to do before. Maybe there’s a place you’ve always wanted to travel to or a hobby you’ve always wanted to try.
Do it! Live your life to the fullest, and don’t let anyone – including him – hold you back.
When you’re out there living your best life, he’s going to regret not being a part of it. He’ll see what he’s missing out on and realize that he made a mistake in ghosting you.
6. Post about your life on social media
If you want to make a guy regret ghosting you, one thing you can do is post about your amazing life on Instagram or Facebook. Show him that you’re out having fun without him and that you don’t need him to be happy.
Post pictures of yourself smiling and looking happy. Go out with your friends, take some cute pictures, and make sure he sees them.
This will definitely make him regret ghosting you.
7. Delete him from your social media accounts

You can also consider blocking him everywhere. It may sound a bit harsh, but if you really want to move on then, it’s probably for the best.
It will be a lot easier to do if you don’t have constant reminders of him all over your social media. And if he ever tries to reach out to you again, you can just ignore him completely.
Blocking him will show him that you’re serious about moving on and that you don’t want anything to do with him anymore.
8. Don’t take him back
If he does come back and try to apologize or explain himself, don’t take him back. He’s not worth your time or energy.
You deserve better than someone who would just up and leave without any explanation. If he can’t see that, then it’s his loss.
Don’t let him think that he can just ghost you and then come back whenever he feels like it. That’s not how it works!
If his reasons aren’t sincere or a really big deal, then it’s best to just move on. Don’t let him lie to your face.
9. Explain yourself

If you ever need to explain yourself, do it in a calm and collected manner. Don’t get angry or upset; just explain why it’s over for good. Stay strong! A guy ghosting you is unreliable and not worth your time and energy.
If he asks why you’re so upset or why you don’t want to give him another chance, you could say: “I didn’t appreciate being ghosted without any explanation. I deserve better than that. I need a partner who’s reliable and means business. You’ve had your chance, and you blew it. Sorry.”
This will show him that you’re not going to put up with his BS and that you’re not going to be a doormat. He’ll realize that he made a mistake in ghosting you and that he’s losing someone good.
In conclusion, making some guy regret ghosting you is definitely possible. If you take the high road and focus on bettering yourself, he’ll see what he’s missing out on. He’ll realize that he made a mistake in letting you go and that he could have had something really great.
Want him to feel even more miserable? Make him miss you like crazy with these simple tips!
The truth about dating: Books you need to read
If you’re looking for advice on how to have more success when it comes to dating, then you’ll want to check out these reads. Each can teach you something different about the process, from being more confident in yourself to reading other people’s signals correctly. So whether you’re just starting or have been dating for a while and could use help, check out these titles.
- Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Seriously, This Is Online Dating?: How to Love Yourself Harder and Date Smarter
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
- Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot