On this page
- 1. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there
- 2. Be proactive
- 3. Let go of the past
- 4. Know what you want
- 5. Know who you are
- 6. Have realistic expectations
- 7. Accept that you’re not perfect
- 8. Don’t compare yourself to others
- 9. Don’t waste time
- 10. Don’t take rejections personally
- 11. Be open to new things
- 12. Use dating apps
- 13. Meet people through friends
- 14. Get out there and meet people
- 15. Mingle with different types of people
- 16. Go to some new places
- 17. Open up and be vulnerable
- 18. Beware of negative thinking patterns
- 19. Be open to an age difference
- 20. Don’t rush things
- 21. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want
- 22. Don’t seek perfection
Dating in your 30s can be a daunting prospect. You might be wondering where to meet people, how to approach them, and what to say. Or you may feel like you’re too old for dating or that you missed the boat altogether.
But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll share some tips for dating in your 30s, so you can get back out there and start meeting new people.
1. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there

Just because you’re in your 30s doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be open to meeting new people. In fact, this is the perfect time to put yourself out there and start dating. You’re at a point in your life where you know what you want, and you’re not afraid to go after it.
So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and start meeting new people. Because if you don’t, you’ll never find that special someone!
2. Be proactive
Don’t sit around waiting for someone to come to you – be proactive and go out there and meet people. There are plenty of ways to meet new people, whether it’s through your friends, online dating, or social events. Get out there and start meeting people. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find someone special.
You can meet people through your friends, online dating, or social events. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find someone special.
3. Let go of the past
We’ve all been through breakups and heartache, but it’s important to let go of the past and move on. If you’re still hung up on your ex, you’re not going to be able to fully open yourself up to someone new. Just imagine all these opportunities and great potential partners you’ve been missing out on because you’re still dwelling on the past.
It’s time to let go of the past and move on. So let go of the past and move on. You deserve to be happy!
4. Know what you want

One of the most important things to do when you’re dating in your 30s is to know what you want. This means being clear about the kind of relationship you’re looking for, whether it’s something casual or long-term.
Knowing what you want will help you narrow down your search and find people who are on the same page as you. It will also save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.
5. Know who you are
Another important thing to remember when you’re dating in your 30s is to know who you are. This means being confident and comfortable in your own skin. It’s important to like yourself first before anyone else can.
If you’re not sure about who you are, take some time to figure it out. This can be done by taking some time for yourself, exploring your interests, and discovering what makes you happy.
6. Have realistic expectations
When you’re dating in your 30s, it’s important to have realistic expectations. This means understanding that things might not always go the way you want them to, and that’s okay.
Life is unpredictable, so it’s important to be flexible and go with the flow. Things may not always go the way you want them to, but that’s okay.
But you should also let go of your fairy tale expectations of what dating or relationships should be like. People are way too complex and imperfect to fit into any idealized notion we might have in our heads. Accept people for who they are, flaws and all, and you’ll be much happier.
7. Accept that you’re not perfect

One of the most important things to remember when dating in your 30s is that you’re not perfect. And that’s okay! No one is perfect, and we all have our flaws.
So don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and accept your imperfections. This will make it easier to find someone who loves you for who you are.
8. Don’t compare yourself to others
Another important thing to remember when dating in your 30s is to not compare yourself to others. It’s easy to do this, especially when you see all your friends getting married or having kids.
But comparing yourself to others will only make you feel worse about yourself. Everyone is on their own path in life, and you should focus on your own journey.
9. Don’t waste time
Another important tip for dating in your 30s is to not waste time. This is especially true if you’re looking for a long-term relationship. Just because you aren’t in your 20s anymore doesn’t mean you have to take what you can get.
If you find yourself on a date with someone who isn’t a good match, don’t be afraid to end it early. Or if you find out they’re playing games, stop dating them. There’s no point in wasting your time or theirs.
10. Don’t take rejections personally

If you do put yourself out there and start dating, don’t take rejections too personally. It’s not you; it’s them. And chances are, they’re just not that into you. Who cares? That happens all the time. If they can’t see how special you are, why should you waste your time with them?
It’s nothing personal. So don’t take it to heart and move on.
11. Be open to new things
Another important tip for dating in your 30s is to be open to new things. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to close yourself off to new experiences. In fact, this is the perfect time to try new things and expand your horizons.
You never know; you might just surprise yourself. And maybe you’ll meet your next partner while doing something you never thought you’d do!
12. Use dating apps
Dating apps can be a great way to meet new people, especially if you’re busy or don’t have a lot of social interactions. They can also be a great way to weed out potential dates before you even meet them in person, which can save you a lot of time and energy.
Just be sure to set your expectations accordingly, and don’t get too attached to anyone until you’ve met them in real life. But don’t just rely on them! Try meeting people offline, too.
13. Meet people through friends

One of the best ways to meet someone new is through your friends. They already know and love you, so they can help you find someone who’s compatible with you. And chances are, they know someone who’s single and looking, too!
So if you feel like you’re stuck in a dating rut, ask your friends to set you up on a blind date or introduce you to someone new. Maybe it’s a work co-worker, a friend of a friend, or someone you’ve seen around but never talked to.
14. Get out there and meet people
The best way to meet someone new is to get out there and start meeting people. Try joining a club or group, taking a class, or volunteering. These are all great ways to meet new people who share your interests.
And who knows, you might just meet the love of your life!
15. Mingle with different types of people
When you’re dating in your 30s, it’s important to mingle with different types of people. This includes people of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures. Don’t just date someone because they’re the same age as you or from the same town.
Dating someone who’s different from you can be a great way to learn new things and broaden your horizons. It can also help you find out what you really want in a partner.
16. Go to some new places

Another great way to meet someone new is to just get out there. This means going to places where you’re likely to meet new people, such as bars, clubs, or social events.
But don’t just go to any old place. Make sure it’s a place you’ll actually enjoy going to and where there’s a chance you’ll meet someone new. It’s very likely that there is a bar or a club in your area you’ve never been at or haven’t been at for a long time that would be perfect for this.
17. Open up and be vulnerable
When you’re dating in your 30s, it’s important to be open and vulnerable with your date. This means being honest about who you are, what you want, and how you feel. It can be scary to do this, but it’s the only way to build a real connection with someone.
So, if you’ve never had a real relationship or you’re not sure what you want, don’t be afraid to tell your date. They might just surprise you and feel the same way!
And if they can’t accept you for who you are, then they’re not the right person for you. So don’t waste your and their time and just move on.
18. Beware of negative thinking patterns
One of the biggest obstacles to finding love in your 30s is negative thinking patterns. This includes things like self-doubt, perfectionism, and fear of rejection.
These negative thoughts can prevent you from putting yourself out there and meeting new people. They can also make it harder to connect with someone you do meet. So try to get rid of them and work on your mental health.
But don’t just pay attention to your own negative thinking patterns. Be aware of your date’s thinking patterns as well. If they’re constantly putting themselves down or seem to have a lot of self-doubts, that’s a red flag. Especially when they show toxic traits, move on and don’t try to fix them.
19. Be open to an age difference

If you’re dating in your 30s, be open to an age difference. This means dating someone who’s a few years older or younger than you are. Age differences can be a great thing, and by being open to it, you broaden your dating pool.
Of course, there are things to consider when dating someone with a significant age difference. But if you can get past that, then it’s worth giving it a shot!
They can give you a new perspective on things, and you can learn a lot from each other. Just remember to communicate and be respectful of each other’s boundaries.
20. Don’t rush things
When you’re dating in your 30s, it’s important not to rush things. This means taking things slow and getting to know each other before rushing into a relationship. It can be tempting to move too fast, but if you do, you might end up getting hurt or disappointed.
So take your time, get to know each other, and see where things go. There’s no rush!
21. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want
Just because you’re in your 30s doesn’t mean you should settle for anything less than what you want. If you’re not happy with the way things are going, don’t be afraid to end things. It’s better to be single than to settle for someone who’s not right for you.
So, if you’re not happy with your current dating situation, don’t hesitate to walk away from it. And don’t feel guilty about being single. It’s your life, and you should live it the way you want to!
22. Don’t seek perfection

You’re not perfect, so why should your partner be? It’s important to remember that no one is perfect. We all have our own flaws and baggage. And that’s okay!
So don’t expect perfection from your partner or yourself. Just try to accept each other for who you are and work on being the best you can be. After all, that’s what love is really about.
Hopefully, these tips will help you navigate the dating world in your 30s. Just remember to be yourself, take things slow, and don’t settle for anything less than what you want. If you do that, then you’re sure to find happiness!
The truth about dating: Books you need to read
If you’re looking for advice on how to have more success when it comes to dating, then you’ll want to check out these reads. Each can teach you something different about the process, from being more confident in yourself to reading other people’s signals correctly. So whether you’re just starting or have been dating for a while and could use help, check out these titles.
- Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Seriously, This Is Online Dating?: How to Love Yourself Harder and Date Smarter
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
- Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot