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- What to do when you’ve been ghosted
- 1. Just checking to see if everything’s okay
- 2. I’m sorry, I must have accidentally ghosted you. Please forgive me.
- 3. Thanks, at least I can finally tell my niece a true ghost story now.
- 4. Didn’t know you were into cartoons! You should have just told me that you like to cosplay as Casper!
- 5. Well, I guess you’ll never get the chance to tell me why you’ve suddenly decided to become a prick. Have a nice life.
- 6. I thought we were both adults. I guess I was wrong about one of us.
- 7. I’m sorry, did you just ghost me?
- 8. It’s okay. I’ll just find someone else who isn’t afraid of commitment or honesty.
- 9. Well, I guess this is goodbye then. Thanks for nothing.
- 10. If you wanted to break up with me, you could have just said so.
- 11. Ghosting is for cowards. You should have just had the decency to break up with me like a normal person.
- 12. Hey, are we still together? Because I cheated on you yesterday, and you never broke up with me.
- 13. Should I immediately block you, or should I wait to hear your clever excuse?
- 14. Thanks for ghosting me! You really saved me a lot of trouble.
- 15. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that I dated a child. No mature man/woman would ghost someone.
- 16. Silence
Hey, we’ve all been there. You meet someone new, you hit it off and things seem to be going great. But then, suddenly, they disappear into thin air and you’re left wondering what the heck happened.
When you’ve been ghosted, it can feel like the most painful thing in the world. You might be left feeling confused, hurt, and rejected. But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Many people have been ghosted at one point or another, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
What to do when you’ve been ghosted

If you’ve been ghosted, the best thing you can do is to take some time for yourself. Heal your wounds and move on. But many people can’t just move on like that. They need to tell the person who ghosted them that they know what they did and that they don’t tolerate such behavior.
Here are some great ghosting responses they’ll remember forever.
1. Just checking to see if everything’s okay
Before jumping to any conclusions, it’s always best to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they’re just busy or going through a tough time. So, before you write them off completely, send them a quick message to see if everything’s okay.
It’s better to check first instead of sending them a nasty message you’ll regret later on.
2. I’m sorry, I must have accidentally ghosted you. Please forgive me.
This response is perfect if you want to get under their skin. They’re going to be so angry that you had the audacity to turn the tables on them and ghost them back. But it’s also a great way to show them that two can play this game.
3. Thanks, at least I can finally tell my niece a true ghost story now.
We all know that the scariest stories are the true ones. A text like this will make them realize that you know they’re a coward for ghosting you and that you’re not going to take it lying down. You’re also letting them know that you’ve got some pretty great comebacks up your sleeve.
4. Didn’t know you were into cartoons! You should have just told me that you like to cosplay as Casper!
This response is perfect if you want to make them feel like an idiot. You’re basically calling them a scaredy-cat and telling them that they should have just been honest with you from the beginning. They’re not going to be able to come back from this one.
5. Well, I guess you’ll never get the chance to tell me why you’ve suddenly decided to become a prick. Have a nice life.
After sending it, block their number and don’t look back. This is probably the most satisfying response to ghosting, but it’s also the most final. You’re telling them that you don’t care about their reasons for ghosting you and that you’re done with them.
It’s a great way to close the door to this chapter of your life and move on to better things.
6. I thought we were both adults. I guess I was wrong about one of us.
This is probably one of the most adult yet savage responses to ghosting. You’re calling them out for their childish behavior and letting them know that you expected better from them. But you’re also telling them that you’re not going to waste your time with someone who can’t act like a grown-up.
7. I’m sorry, did you just ghost me?
This response is perfect if you want to show them that you’re not going to take their crap. You’re calling them out on their behavior and letting them know that you’re not going to tolerate it.
They’re going to be so shocked that you had the nerve to say something like this that they won’t know what to say. And that’s exactly what you want. You don’t want to give them the satisfaction of a response.
8. It’s okay. I’ll just find someone else who isn’t afraid of commitment or honesty.
This is a great way to show them that you’re not going to be waiting around for them. You’re letting them know that you deserve better than someone who would ghost you. And you’re also telling them that they’re going to regret their decision to ghost you.
9. Well, I guess this is goodbye then. Thanks for nothing.
This response is short, sweet, and to the point. You’re basically telling them that you’re done with them and that you don’t want anything to do with them. This is a great way to show them that you’re not going to be messed around with.
10. If you wanted to break up with me, you could have just said so.
This response is perfect if you want to show them that you’re not going to be taken for a ride. You’re calling them out on their behavior and letting them know that you’re not going to tolerate it.
11. Ghosting is for cowards. You should have just had the decency to break up with me like a normal person.
With a message like that, you’ll take a hit at their pride. You’re telling them that they’re not brave enough to break up with you like a normal person. And you’re also letting them know that you think less of them for ghosting you.
It is especially great when used on men!
12. Hey, are we still together? Because I cheated on you yesterday, and you never broke up with me.
This is a great way to get back at them for ghosting you. You’re basically telling them that they’re not the only ones who can play games. And you’re also letting them know that they’re going to regret their decision to ghost you.
13. Should I immediately block you, or should I wait to hear your clever excuse?
Some people think they can always cheat the gallows. You’re letting them know that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior and that you’re not going to give them a chance to explain themselves.
You’re also telling them that they’re going to have to come up with a pretty good excuse if they ever want to talk to you again.
14. Thanks for ghosting me! You really saved me a lot of trouble.
With this text, you’re telling them that you don’t need them and that you’re happy that they showed their true face. You’re also letting them know that you think less of them for ghosting you. This is a great way to show them that you’re not going to be taken for a ride.
15. I’m sorry, I didn’t know that I dated a child. No mature man/woman would ghost someone.
You’re shaming them for their behavior and letting them know that you think less of them for ghosting you. This is a great way to show them that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior, and they should never try to win you back.
16. Silence
This is probably the best ghosting response ever. Just treat them as what they are to you from now on: a ghost. Give them the silent treatment, and they’ll eventually get the message.
That’s the path they’ve chosen and the path they deserve.
As you can see, there are several great ghosting responses! You can use these to show the person who has ghosted you that you’re not going to be taken for a ride.
You deserve better than someone who would ghost you, and they’re going to regret their decision to do so. Choose the response that best fits your situation, and go get ’em!
If you want to find out even more, learn how to make a guy regret ghosting you!
The truth about dating: Books you need to read
If you’re looking for advice on how to have more success when it comes to dating, then you’ll want to check out these reads. Each can teach you something different about the process, from being more confident in yourself to reading other people’s signals correctly. So whether you’re just starting or have been dating for a while and could use help, check out these titles.
- Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Seriously, This Is Online Dating?: How to Love Yourself Harder and Date Smarter
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
- Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot